Academic Honor Societies
National Honor Society
Faculty Sponsor - Joanne Lambert | Phone: (248) 956-5527
Please visit the Walled Lake Northern NHS website for more information about our school's chapter.
What is the National Honor Society?
The National Honor Society is a nation-wide organization in American high schools, founded in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Its headquarters is in suburban Washington, D.C. There are now over 20,000 chapters. Many of the more than 6,000,000 members have distinguished themselves in all phases of American society. NHS gives recognition to high school students who are distinctive in four areas: Scholarship, Service, Leadership and Character.
What is the purpose of National Honor Society?
The purpose of NHS is to draw attention to the values in education by honoring those students who demonstrate the qualities of the four pillars. The organization involves itself with service-oriented projects within the school and community. For example: Blood Drives, tutoring, ushering, working at PTSA conferences, MLK Day events, raising money for charities, etc.
How does a student become a member?
A student must first have at least a 3.8 cumulative GPA at the end of the first semester of sophomore year and/or a 3.5 cumulative GPA at the end of first semester of junior year. Sophomores are required to have two extra-curricular activities or athletics; Juniors are required to have three extra-curricular activities or athletics. These extra-curricular activities should be school/district sponsored. The student is then evaluated by teachers, activity directors, and coaches on the basis of observable characteristics of service, leadership, and character. If the student has enough extra-curricular activities and evaluations are in good standing, the student becomes a member and is inducted in May of the Sophomore or Junior year.
What is an induction ceremony?
This is a short, formal ceremony, for new members and their parents, where current officers explain the constitution and functions of National Honor Society.
After a student becomes a member, what does he/she do?
It is expected of members that they continue to set good examples of high standards of SLSC. Participation in NHS activities is also expected. Active members who complete at least 40 hours of community/school service are eligible to wear the white stole with the honor cords at graduation ceremonies.
Do National Honor Society members receive recognition?
Yes. The fact that a student belongs to NHS is noted on his permanent high school record. College admissions officers see NHS membership as a label of distinction. At commencement, NHS member’s names are indicated in the graduation program. At Walled Lake Northern, members wear distinctive blue and gold cords and white stoles (if they have completed 40 hours of service) on their graduation robes.
French Honor Society
Faculty Sponsor - Kelli Kowalczyk | Phone: (248) 956-5512
Société Honoraire de Français of the American Association of Teachers of French
Walled Lake Northern High School By-laws
The aim of this organization is to stimulate interest in the study of French, to promote high standards of scholarship, to reward scholastic achievements, to create enthusiasm for and an understanding of francophone culture civilization, to promote and perpetuate international friendship, and to reward efforts toward furthering solidarity in the French speaking world.
Expectations of inducted members are drawn from the constitution and bylaws of the national organization.
General Eligibility Requirements to be met by all students
- Membership shall be based on scholarship in French in particular, leadership in French activities and interest, either in a group or as an individual.
- Membership shall be restricted to those students actively engaged in the study of French or have reached the necessary level in French.
- Candidates must be enrolled in the sixth semester of French or higher, i.e. the second semester of Level III.
- Candidates must be in the 10th, 11th or 12th grade of high school.
- Maintenance of a behavioral record free from suspension, instances of academic dishonesty (i.e. plagiarism), and/or a pattern of inappropriate behavior.
Scholastic Eligibility Requirements to be met by all students
- Candidates must have maintained an A- (minus) average or higher in French during the semester of selection and averaged cumulative grade of A-(minus) or higher for all French work awarded secondary school credit.
Continuing Membership Requirements to be met by all students after induction
- The student must accumulate 10 points by the end of the calendar school year.
- They continue to excel in French with an A- average during the school year.
Science National Honor Society
Faculty Sponsor - JP Arens | Phone: (248) 956-5504
Our chapter was established in 2015 and is only the fifth active chapter in Michigan. Following the National Charter, our purpose is to provide the encouragement and support that high school students need to become the future of industry, research, and scientific exploration for America. For more information about our chapter, visit the Walled Lake Northern SNHS website.
We pledge to:
- Encourage and recognize scientific and intellectual thought
- Advance the students’ knowledge of classical and modern science
- Communicate with the scientific community
- Aid the civic community with its comprehension of science
- Encourage students to participate in community service and in turn, encourage a dedication to the pursuit of scientific knowledge that benefits all humankind
Student Qualifications for Nomination to the SNHS
Membership for a student in the SNHS is conferred during the last two years of secondary school education. A student must have and maintain a 3.0 grade point average (4.0 scale) to be a member. In addition, the following qualifications must be met and maintained:
- A member must be enrolled in at least one honors or upper level science class during or prior to the eleventh grade year.
- A member must be enrolled in at least one second year honors or upper level science class during or prior to the twelfth grade year.
- If second year honors or upper level science courses are not offered by the school, then the student must be enrolled in a second first year honors or upper level science class during or prior to the twelfth grade year.
- A member must maintain a B+ average (3.5 on a 4.0 scale) across all science courses.
Spanish Honor Society
Faculty Sponsor - Catherine Savone | Phone: (248) 956-5438
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
The purpose of Spanish Honor Society at Walled Lake Northern is to recognize high achievement and continuity of interest in the study of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. The society is classified as a national and international academic honor society in the study of high school Spanish and is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Inc. (AATSP)
Chapter Name
Los Caballeros Andantes (Knights Errant)
¡Todos a uno! (All for one!)
We have been an official established society at Walled Lake Northern since 2006… The very first of its kind in the district!
We have had each year at least 40 members.
Membership requires completion of at least a level 2 language course or the equivalent with a grade of a B or better and excellent citizenship.
Activities include monthly meetings, fundraising for a senior Spanish scholarship program, providing school supply donations to local charities, providing tutoring to Spanish language students at Northern and at middle schools in the district.