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Walled Lake Northern Home of the Knights

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Attendance Policy

Attendance Office: (248) 956-5349 | Attendance Hotline: (248) 956-5590

Please call the attendance hotline before 7:00 a.m. every morning your student is absent or late.

Note: Notifying a teacher or counselor of your child’s absence does not replace calling the attendance office. For a student’s absence to be “excused” you must call the absence/tardy within 48 hours. A student’s absence a cannot be “excused” if it is called in after the 48 hour deadline.

Attendance Policy

You must call the attendance office or hotline within 48 hours for an excused absence. An absence that is not excused within 48 hours will remain unexcused and will result in a detention.

Pre-arranged absence forms are available in the attendance office for students who will be out of school for at least one week.

Late students may be dropped off without a parent/guardian coming into the building, but the student will need to sign in. Please call the student in as tardy if he or she will arrive after 1st hour. Note: A tardy is neither excused nor unexcused.

If your student must leave school prior to the end of the day, please call (248) 956-5349. It would be appreciated that the call be made with ample time for your student to pick up his or her pass from the attendance office. Following this request will alleviate a call being made to classrooms and interrupting class lessons. Students leaving prior to the end of the day MUST sign out prior to leaving the building.

Walled Lake Northern has a closed campus policy. If your student needs to leave for an appointment, but will be returning, they will need to provide proof that they attended the appointment. Students are not allowed to leave campus to get lunch or run home for forgotten items. If an emergency arises and your student need to leave and return, they must have permission from the administration to do so.